freelance jobs

Finding Good Freelance Writing Jobs From Home Without Investment

Being a freelance writer is tough: the work is uncertain, the bills are not. You have to apply for jobs left and right and hope that the royalties are enough to put food on the table. The work might not be to your liking; the client might delay the pay, or turn out to be a Scrooge. Anyhow, you have to keep going on. This is sounding more and more discouraging by the moment, isn’t it? It is, however, the truth.

Is there a right time to become a freelancer?

Yes, there is. Writers have years of experience under their belt, or at least a specialty that no one can parallel. These are writers who have polished themselves so much that they know everything about something, and also how to express it in words that the common folk understands. Therefore, before you decide to go into this field, it is better to have some years’ worth of experience showing on your portfolio, preferably in the form of published work.

I want to freelance despite being a novice writer. How can I start?

Well, that’s not a bad idea at all. For those of you who find themselves intimidated by the immense crowd in the market, worry not! If you have the talent, clients will be bending over backward to hire you. Here are some tips to get your started in your job hunting:

  • Pick a niche: Do you love gardening? Write about it! Has a passion for science fiction? Rest assured, people do read facts about time travel and futuristic wars. Find out what your specialty is, and tell people that you can write on it.
  • Approach editors relentlessly: Have an idea for an article? Don’t hesitate: Pitch, pitch, pitch! Send in queries to magazines and publications, regardless of the fact that you might be rejected. If you do not feel confident of your credentials, ask the editor whether they would publish something by a novice writer. The bottom line, however, is never to stop pitching.
  • Try online publications: Numerous prestigious papers and magazines today have online versions that require constant content. Try signing up for one of these. It will not only get you noticed but also help in creating contacts that may come in handy.
  • Join relevant professional community: Get signed up with the local writer’s list; join the reading club or a social group on a professional network. While social media presence is appreciated, a worthy employer always checks out how you operate in professional circles.

So, these are some tips to get you started. Just open a new tab and write away! However, make sure to remember one thing: always be positive. Worthy work comes to those who work for it. Never stop working, and never stop pitching.

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