Getting Job
If you're looking for writing assignments, make sure you're using trustworthy websites.
Here are some resources that we would recommend you to use when hunting for jobs.
great blog for freelance writers
Freelance writing can be a great chance to make some extra cash in your spare time. Moreover, it can even be a full-time job without the burden of early wake-ups and long hours at the office. The key to success is finding the jobs that pay well, that is, finding reliable employers. This is sometimes rather difficult, as the Internet is full of companies looking for cheap copywriters or fraudsters hoping to get something free.
However, the fact that there are scammers everywhere doesn’t mean you’re going to be an easy prey for them. In fact, there are many tips on how to avoid fraudsters and how to make sure a company is worth working for.
The first thing you should learn is that you are the one to set up a price for your services. If you agree to work for $1, you will be paid $1, and you are the only one to blame. Don’t be afraid to argue with the potential employers, and don’t let them underestimate you.
The next thing that is also important is patience. Don’t rush to work for the first company that hired you. Take your time to make the right choice.
In short, here is a step-by-step instruction on what you should do:
One of the most popular mistakes many freelance beginners make is picking up topics everyone can write about. This is a bad option since you’re not likely to get paid a lot. Besides, you will be easy to fire and replace with any other freelance writer. To make sure it doesn’t happen, here is what you should never do:
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